Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Days on the beach - Gulf Shores 2009

First day at the beach - checking out Mommy's book

Worn out after the first day

Day two - content in her pool

Once she finally calmed down for nap time, she was out!

Awake - are we still here?? It's so sandy.

Where are we going now?

I think she was excited to go take a bath.

A little late for the sunset...

Pool Time at the Beach

At the pool

Getting ready with Daddy

Checking things out

Swimming with Mommy

Splashing with Daddy

Learning to Pattycake with Yaya

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


No, we're not moving. Isabella is though! Saturday night we helped my new boss move into her apartment. Isabella sat contently in her car seat until she got hot. I took her out and sat her on the floor of my bosses apartment. She eventually started rolling around like she normally does but then stopped and proceeded to sit herself up. This is the first time she's done this by herself!

Sunday morning I put her down for her nap after church. A few minutes later I walked back through her room to get something and found her sitting up again! Thankfully she laid herself back down and eventually went to sleep.

Jacob and I are so proud of her sitting herself up and now tonight she surprised us with another milestone. I didn't catch it on video the first few "steps" but I got it the second time. Gone are the days of sitting her on the floor and taking my eyes off her!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Cheesy Name - Great Product!

A few of my friends have been asking me lately about baby products that I use. For any of you out there who are considering nursing your baby, I encourage you to invest in this product.

We paid about $40 for this nursing pillow called "My Brestfriend" and it has been worth every penny. I received a Boppy pillow at one of my baby showers so I tried it out for the first week of nursing. After a week I grew very frustrated with the Boppy so my mom went to Babies R Us and got this pillow for me. It's much sturdier than the Boppy and stays in place so that your little one doesn't fall in between your abdomen and the pillow.

It may have a cheesy name but I believe that this pillow has really helped me to stick with nursing for this long.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Messy Girl

Ha ha! Blueberries in her hair and all over her face
after breakfast this morning. Click on the pic to see it up close!

My girl's got a brand new ride!

I've been searching for a while trying to find a seat cover in a fabric pattern I liked. This was challenge for a detailed person like me because I wanted it to not only be a pattern I could live with but also a pattern that would be gender neutral if we happen to have a baby boy in the (distant) future. And of course Jacob needed to like it too!

Isabella will outgrow her baby car seat soon so I wanted to make sure to have a shopping cart cover for her to sit in on our (almost daily) trips to Kroger. Right now she contently sits in her car seat inside the cart while we cruise the isles. This is the pattern we decided on. We've placed our order and Isabella will get it for her birthday. Shhhh. Don't tell her!

Speaking of car seats, what kind of seats do you guys have for your kids who are over a year old? Jacob's project for this week is to research for Isabella's new seat.

Monday, July 6, 2009

11 Months Old

Isabella has been exploring new textures lately with her food. She enjoys eating things she can pick up herself and often tries to grab the spoon from us when she's being fed. As her one year birthday approaches we have been working on eating "finger foods". She's a pro at feeding herself Cheerios. Lately she's ventured out to carrots, peas, blueberries and even watermelon.

For her 11 month birthday today she tried grapes. As you can tell from the following video, she has a blossoming personality. Out in public people often comment that Isabella is always quiet. But get her home or around people she knows well and she'll "talk" your ear off!

The video is long, but don't miss out on the last minute. She throws in her favorite new noise - growling! She did this the other day VERY loudly while we were walking inside Hobby Lobby. Luckily, no one was close enough to our cart to hear her. Ha!

In a couple of weeks we'll head to the beach and then soon after we'll have her first birthday party. Stay tuned for pictures!

PS - She's pretty funny with her sippy cup. She's on intermittently interested in juice.